Upload Plans

    Drag and drop or click here to upload plansJPEG, JPG, PNG & PDF supported. Maximum file size – 6MB

    Guide to Upload Your Plans

    Step 1: Click on the image Upload Plans and select a file of your plans from your device.

    Step 2: Complete the information in the box, Your name and your phone number. This information will be used to get back to you and provide the material takeoff.

    After completing the above two steps, the system will return a notice confirming successful file upload. Please wait a short time until we request more details.

    Note for valid plans file types

    • Uploads can be plans, images, anything related for an accurate quotation
    • Avoid blurred images
    • Must include details of the site address
    • Quotations are valid for a limited time only
    • Supported files type: jpeg , jpg , png , pdf

    Need help? Call us 0401 288 824
